Monday, November 10, 2008

the hyena and other men.

So. Pieter Hugo's photography is maybe the most disturbing and beautiful thing I've seen in a long time. It makes me sick to my stomach and want to curl up into a ball and die. It's incredible. His series on the Gadawan Kura, the "hyena handlers," of Lagos, Nigeria is just frightening. The monochromatic desert and fur and dust covered flesh is really powerful paired with the little flashes of green or red. Too crazy.

Donc. La photographie de Pieter Hugo est peut-etre le plus perturbante et le plus belle truc j'ai vu depuis longtemps. Il me fait mal au ventre et veux me recroqueviller et mourir. Il est incredible. Sa serie sur les Gadawan Kura, les "dresseurs hyene," de Lagos, Nigeria est juste effrayante. Le desert et le poils et la poussiere, tous monochromatique, ils sont vraiment forte appaire avec les eclats petites de vert ou rouge. Trop genial.

Oh, I found the work via a really great blog, We Made This

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