Saturday, January 3, 2009

eugene hutz and my grandma when she was twenty

I always find it hard to explain how attractive ugliness can be. I work at a daycare in the afternoons and none of the children could understand why I purposely made my crayon drawing of a narwhal so damn ugly. I think that beauty needs to be blemished, tainted. If not, it's just.. boring.
Je toujours trouve-il difficile explique la beaute de la laideur. Je travaille a une garderie dans l'apres-midi et acune des enfants peuvent comprendre pourquoi j'ai fait mon dessine d'un narval cette laide intentionnellement. Je pense que il faut que la beaute est defaut, entachee. Si pas... il est enneuyeux.

'NYU couple" by the sartorialist

how (how attractive it can be)

1 comment:

Kylie said...

My favourite art teacher told us, when looking for pictures to use when drawing faces, to avoid the three B's: Blonde, beautiful, and boring.
I couldn't agree more, it's something I'll always remember. Something or someone may be a little ugly, but they're much more interesting than the perfect and bland.