So. On that twenty minute walk through Boston in the pouring rain every inch of me got soaked, including my backpack. And what was in the front pocket of that backpack, you may ask? Well, apart from some basic items, a pencil set, some gum, a rubber dinosaur wallet, there was my brand new camera. The first thing I've ever bought myself that was that big. I had had it a week, a week and a half, and now it's kaput. I suppose it'll be okay; I can return it this weekend but still.
My camera broke before we got the the aquarium so I stole some of Adina's jellyfish photos^^
Anyways. The aquarium started of a bit depressing but by the end was incredible. Their outside exhibit, the one next to the ticket counter, is a very small and dirty tank with a few seals that swim from one side to the other over and over. They looked very sad, although it might have been largely the miserable weather.
Once we got inside everything perked up. The first thing we saw was the jellyfish exhibit which was SO INSANE! We spend a solid forty five minutes sketching. Then we split up into groups of two or three and wandered over to the penguins. Katie and I fell in love with the baby penguin. Actually no, they weren't babies. They were little blue penguins. Still very cute. Although there was one who was either molting or sick because he had lost nearly all of his feathers. It was pretty sad. Like a little fetus stuck in the penguin cage.
Well anyways. Overall the aquarium was awesome. The jellies were stunning and the birds adorable. We saw a shark and I understood completely what a french family was saying. There was a turtle and afterward I had some pretty fabulous frozen yogurt. Not a bad day, if I do say so myself.

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