Friday, November 7, 2008

ring ring ring ring ring ring ring BANANARCHY!!!

I'm so very depressed that Nothing Nice to Say has been laid to rest. Don't get me wrong, there were duds. There were a ton of duds. But there were also really clever, really funny, bits. They were cruel now and then but more than that they were frank and they were uncensored, unromanticized and unembellished. 
A lot of it was jokes about punks and hipsters and goths and scene kids but it was generally centered around two guys, punks I guess, but not mohawk punks.. more like just two random guys. Other than that bit of normality the comic is sorta ridiculous. Their friends are a bear, a lesbian goth, a feminist pretending to be a lesbian to support the cause, a whiny emo kid, a mohawked vegan, and cthulu, an elder god from a story by the great H.P. Lovecraft.

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