Friday, March 20, 2009

alien and beautiful-safe and deep

A friend for the little jelly?
Un ami pour la petite meduse?

Also, national geographic.

orange sea glass is so terribly rare

I'm not going to translate this.
A girl in my french class was telling us about how her uncle works at a research lab in antartica. He told her that he could get her a job (which are impossible to get) working in the kitchen and making the same in a year as a year or more of college tuition. Not to mention the fact that SHE WOULD BE LIVING IN MOTHERFUCKING ANTARTICA! She nixed the idea and is gonna go to school in california instead. Crazy.
Well, it was this little jelly that got me thinking about college and antartica and all that jazz. He was found in the icy antartic waters. I love jellyfish.
I actualy just got back from college visits in NYC. The tour guide at The New School was a really rad kid, a senior at Eugene Lang. He had spent a semester of sophmore year in the "Semester at Sea" program-where you literaly spend a semester on a boat and go all around the world, 13 countries in all. Hot damn. 68 or 108 days. At sea. Fuck yes. Sign me up.
The whole college thing is scary as hell. Maybe I'll just make cupcakes for the rest of my life. Or, better yet, I'll just turn into an antartic jellyfish and drift away.

national geographic

I love the sea.

Yes, please.

Oui, si vous plait.


national geographic

black and white waves

I love pen and ink drawings of hair.
J'aime beaucoup des dessins a l'encre du cheveux.
found via the wonderful etsy shop, No Side Up.

amazing facet building

I'm speechless.
Je reste sans voix.

Monday, March 16, 2009

the black hills, the bad lands, the calloused east

I want to go to the badlands.
Je veux aller aux mauvaises terres a traverser.


Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Lion Among Men.

"Can those tarnished by infamy escape their sobriquets—cowardly, wicked, brainless, criminally earnest—to claim their own histories, to live honorably within their own skins before they're skinned alive?"

This line (from the author's summary of A Lion Among Men) alone makes me fall in love with the book.

Cette ligne (du resume de l'auteur de Un Lion Parmi les Hommes) seule me fait tomber amoureux avec le livre.

P.S. I have this problem where I read the first few letters of a word or phrase and guess at what the rest is... I kept reading the title again and again to be "Life Among Men." I might like that one more though...

P.P.S. I highly recommend checking out L. Frank Baum on Wikipedia if you are unaware of his famous editorials days after Sitting Bull was killed and then the day after the Wounded Knee Massacre.

"The peculiar policy of the government in employing so weak and vacillating a person as General Miles to look after the uneasy Indians, has resulted in a terrible loss of blood to our soldiers, and a battle which, at best, is a disgrace to the war department. There has been plenty of time for prompt and decisive measures, the employment of which would have prevented this disaster.
The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination [sic] of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth. In this lies safety for our settlers and the soldiers who are under incompetent commands. Otherwise, we may expect future years to be as full of trouble with the redskins as those have been in the past.
An eastern contemporary, with a grain of wisdom in its wit, says that "when the whites win a fight, it is a victory, and when the Indians win it, it is a massacre."